Thursday, 2 September 2010

Just one minute?

Mobilink has tried its hand at comparative advertising through its latest Jazz campaign featuring Mani and Azfar. Trying to use the humor approach, they have introduced a new package, Jazz Bemisaal Ramazan offer, which competes directly with Ufone 'Minute per Minute' offer.

The Ufone 'Minute per Minute' offer is simple. For every one minute you talk from your Ufone number to a Ufone number, the next minute will be free. To activate the service you dial a particular code but you can enjoy this offer for a limited time only.

And what is the Jazz offer? Well, after every one minute, you'll get one hour free. The catch? Unlike Ufone, which is offering this service on all its packages (except the Uth package), Jazz is offering this ONLY on its Octane package. Never heard of this package? That's why Jazz gave this 'bemisaal' promotion on it; hardly anyone owns this package!

The celebrity endorsement of Mani and Azfar doesn't do any wonders for the brand. Firstly both these stars have lost the appeal they had earlier (during the 'Sub Set Hai' days) and secondly, they aren't funny anymore. Thirdly, as compared to the Ufone ad, the execution of the Jazz ad sucks. The only consolation is that  at least its been shot on home turf, unlike the other Jazz Ramazan ads on air these days (which are awful, to say the least).

Why am I still a Jazz user?!? (tearing my hair out!!!)


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